Where to Buy

Escape from Dannemora-Front CoverEscape from Dannemora may be purchased online directly from the publisher’s online store (The North Country Store).

The book is also available in stores around the Adirondacks and northern New York and Vermont. Visit the Where to Buy section of the publisher’s website for a list of stores that carry the book.

The author often appears at various events (e.g., book fairs, book signings, lectures) at which he sells this and other books. Visit the author’s website for event and appearance information.

NOTE: You may find the book listed at sites such as Amazon.com. However, look closely and you will notice the book, if in stock at all, is actually being sold by third-party sellers. Generally, we do not sell our books to large retailers outside the Adirondack/northern New York region because we believe in supporting local businesses. Therefore, the best way to obtain NEW copies of Escape from Dannemora is to visit the publisher’s website in order to buy online or find a store near you.